How to add a Google Chart to your WordPress post

In Google Sheets, create your chart. Click the triangle in the upper right corner of your chart and select Publish. Next, choose the Embed tab and copy the HTML code. You will first have to Publish your chart to make it public. In a new WordPress post, click the options button in the upper right […]

Charting and Visual Encoding

These are the studies and readings that we discussed in class regarding visual encoding of your data: Stephen Few on All Things Circular (the lesson: beware of circles!) Cleveland and McGill: The first to do an empirical study of graphical perceptions and a short post about the findings, from Nathan Yau on FlowingData An interesting dataset called Anscombe’s Quartet that is […]

Excel Charts to SVG

Bitmap formats (JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF) are images that are displayed with pixels, or tiny colored dots. Vector graphics, on the other hand, are rendered by the computer based on mathematical formulas and code. For example, a circle would be defined by a radius of a certain size, the color of the outline, the color […]

Data Viz Checklist

#124324294 / A complete data visualization tells a whole story, not half a story. This checklist will help ensure that your story is complete. You should also review ProPublica’s Style Guide, which quite thorough and thoughtful. The Data [ ] Question the context Do you understand the context this data was collected in? Your captions should […]